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Friday, June 10th, 2005

Time:11:11 am.
Yellow Saber
You've made a yellow Lightsaber

Yellow is the color of Honor and Loyalty. It
symbolizes caution and foreboding in either
direction of the blade, Meaning that the owner
is relatively cautious...but also to be
cautious of them. Since Yellow stands for both
Honor and Cowardice, Once should always think
twice before attacking someone with a Yellow

What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Time:11:48 am.
Ja Tev nav nekas jēdzīgs sakāms, tad vienkārši paklusē nevis dirs man virsū ne pa tēmu, jo es Tev pilnīgi neko šodien neesmu izdarījusi. Vienkārši vairs nerunā ar mani un mēs atrisināsim TIK daudz problēmu.
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