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Wednesday, October 27th, 2004

    Time Event
    from: changeover <>

    \/ioxx -- (in pain? take this and feel great)
    \/iagrra -- (help u to be a rea1 man)
    \/a1ium -- (muscle pain? too tired? this is the cure)
    S0MA -- (relax ur pained muscle)
    Meridiia -- (u think u r overweight, take this &con't ur eating habit)
    Xanaax -- (too stressful? take this)
    Cia1iis -- (u will be a superman with this)
    Ambieen -- (sleep well with this!)

    pat vagoniņu secība laimīgi nodzīvotai dienai šķiet pareiza
    da kādai dienai -

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