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[11 Jan 2006|01:05am]
[ mood | domīgs ]
[ music | Dead can dance ]

kamdēļ es vēl neguļu. (?)

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[11 Jan 2006|06:27pm]
[ music | DCD ]

diezgan mežonīgi, es pat teiktu uzbudinoši - Dead can dance - frontier

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[11 Jan 2006|08:08pm]
[ mood | mīlīgs, nudien, bēt ... ]
[ music | Dead can dance ]

"when I was young I thought the world circled around me but in times I realized that I was wrong"

viņš ir ļoti harizmātisks, jauks,smuks, mīļš un laipns, bēēēt ... valstu robežas.

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skūpstu. [11 Jan 2006|09:48pm]
[ mood | intīms ]

Brave your heart
Renounce your fears
Locked away inside
All these years

Remain in light
Renounce your fears
For you have been

Break this spell of silence

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[ viewing | January 11th, 2006 ]
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