Balta lapa - vinjas profils - 8. Jūlijs 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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8. Jūlijs 2004

amerikaanju jocinjsh [8. Jul 2004|03:08]
[Skanja: |radiohead - creep]

a cork radio station was running a competition = words that were not in the dictionary but could be used in a sentence that makes logical sense.
dj goes: "97 fm whats your name?"
"hi my name is john"
"john whats your word?"
"goan... G-O-A-N"
"okay youre correct GOAN is not in the dictionary... now for a trip to bali, what sentence can you use that word make sense?"
"Goan fuck yourself"
so the dj cuts the guy off and takes other calls but no one succeeds until...
"97fm whats your name?"
"i`m dave"
"hey dave whats your word?"
"smee... S-M-E-E"
"okay, SMEE is not in the dictionary... now for a trip to bali, what sentense can you use that word in that it makes sense?"
"smee again! goan fuck yourself!"

wai man vieniigai tas nelikaas paaraak smiekligi?
Link1 iluuzijas|tava iluuzija

[8. Jul 2004|13:26]
[Skanja: |Alex Vetrov - sunny side up]

nebrauxu uz tabuunu!
negribu uz tabuunu!
newaig man tabuunu!
un beigu beigaas sanaak ka brauxu, nu labinji, lai taa buutu!

un ko es tur sastapshu??
Link12 iluuzijas|tava iluuzija

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