David Bohm. |
Jan. 5th, 2012|06:56 am |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bohm http://www.ratical.org/koya.html
The holonomic model of the brain
In collaboration with Stanford neuroscientist Karl Pribram, Bohm was involved in the early development of the holonomic model of the functioning of the brain, a model for human cognition that is drastically different from conventionally accepted ideas.[11] Bohm worked with Pribram on the theory that the brain operates in a manner similar to a hologram, in accordance with quantum mathematical principles and the characteristics of wave patterns.[12] (jo vairāk smadzeņu reģionu aktīvi darbojas, jo vairāk cilvēks realitāti piedzīvo spilgtāku/smalkāku/vispusīgāku.) |