klope's Journal
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Below are the 11 most recent journal entries recorded in klope's LiveJournal:

    Tuesday, April 24th, 2007
    1:38 pm
    Yesterday (23.04.07) we found out by accident that the internationally known living and cultural project "Köpi 137" at Köpenicker str. 137 in Berlin is to be auctioned (sold) off to the highest bidder on 8 May.

    The first demo kicks off at 15:00 on 5 May 07 - assembly point still to be announced.

    Second demo at the auction itself on the 8 May 2007 @ 7:00 in front of the district court Mitte.

    Would be glad if you could join us!!!

    Further information to be posted on Indymedia Germany.

    The Struggle Continues!!!
    They've sold the whole city - Köpi stays ours!!!

    Monday, April 23rd, 2007
    4:21 pm
    vinji grib paardot Kopi!peec 2 ned,8. maijaa izsole.treilerparku arii.

    Current Mood: pizgjec
    Saturday, March 24th, 2007
    8:10 pm
    fall of efrafa
    november 13th

    tirpas skreeja paari-nenormaali kruta!!!!!

    Current Mood: kruta!!!
    Current Music: fall of efrafa
    Friday, March 9th, 2007
    9:19 pm
    sperdikjis no taas kristieshu sektas.psihi.
    The media has been denied access to the sermons at Faderhuset in Rødovre, but this Sunday the 4th of March a group of students at RUC were allowed to attend what has been described as Ruth Evensen’s ‘victory speech’ past the eviction of Ungdomshuset at Jagtvej 69, Copenhagen.
    The students were not allowed to bring and/or use audio equipment; hence this is a translation of the notes written by Jeppe Kabell on his weblog http://www.mrkab.com.

    Ruth Evensen, leader of Faderhuset pronounced:
    "I haven't spoken about Ungdomshuset very often, but today I'll make an exception"

    "For five years we have financed the monthly rent of 60.000 kr.,
    while the house was squatted. I am proud of you and I would like to praise you for your endurance. It is a triumph for Faderhuset!"

    The members of the sect, around 40 people, started to cheer loudly and clap exaggeratedly.

    "We only succeeded, because there was one woman, God’s woman, who dared to resist. Only because there was a Ruth Evensen, who did not move a single millimeter, but all the way believed in what God had told her to do - that means Me. Many parts of the press, and also Ritt Bjerregaard (the mayor of Copenhagen) has asked me during a meeting at the City Hall why I didn’t just sell the house and enjoyed the benefits.
    I just laughed at them - how stupid are they? We know that God has ordered us to buy this house, and we have now succeeded because I kept my promise. That's the power we have when we belong to God.

    Big applause and wild cheering.

    "The media has exposed us. The autonomous scorn us and declare they defend a culture we are attacking. They throw stones and set the cars of innocent people on fire. They attack the police and block the streets so pregnant women from Noerrebro cannot get to the hospital. Excuse me, but if you do such a thing, how can you then say you are defending a culture? That isn't culture but only Satan who is fighting a hopeless battle against God."

    "God has a huge plan for Faderhuset. Many people believe that we can soon relax. But that's not how it will be. Isn't it fantastic that a parish of lawfully believers and disciplined Christians have such a power to change society? We are now known not only in Denmark, but in most of the World. What do you say? What should be next? What about homosexuality?"

    Ruth raises her voice

    "Denmark has not adapted to the spirit of the time and the hurches are marrying homosexuals nowadays. It is not natural for two people of the same sex to be together. Excuse me, but we are just not physically made for it! And what about lesbians who are given test tube treatments? Two women who gets a baby? That is not the will of God!"

    "And what about pornography, eh? What about abortion? What about incest, eh? That will be next. We have the power and the faith. We live in a society in which kids are playing with satanic toys.
    Playing with monsters. Faderhuset will change Denmark. We have the power to do so. The power to change society. Why do other Christians not have the same power? Because they are half-hearted. We can only triumph by having a strong leadership and a parish with discipline."

    Translation by Peter and Lea


    mees riit atkal ejam ielaas-par ungdomshusetu
    Wednesday, January 17th, 2007
    4:13 am
    daudz daudz viskaukas jaadara....

    biezhi aukleeju draugu sunjus.viens shodien saplosiija manu paklaaju.

    atbrauca draugs,kas taga dziivo ungdomshusetaa.ar interesantiem staastiem.piem,menti iedeva maajai 1 vai 2 milj kronu,lai atpirktu no kristieshiem.un veel shie atsakaas vinjus likt aaraa.prikinj?

    iekuram uguni mucaa un sargaajam vaartus tagad vakaros.daudz smejamies.mazliet satraucamies.

    naakamnedeelj daarta brauks ciemos.beidzot!!!

    es paaraak skalji kraacot.kaads nakts viduu gaaja maajaas,jo mana kraakshana neljaava iemigt.es tachu veel griezhu arii zobus!shodien man pastaastiija,ka kaads kursh arii esot griezis zobus,tagad galiigi sajucis apkaart skraida.un alkoholikjis ar.hm..

    gribaas uz sietlu.vai melburnu.uz sietlu bishkjin vairaak.pietruukst man to cilveeku.ljoti.

    man jaaizdomaa kur martaa gribu braukt.ar niko uz marselju vai ar japiishu krasteriem tuuree.veel-es nevaru braukt ar monster tuuree,jo chaliits,kas speelee gichu teica,ka es nevarot,jo vinjsh mani nepaziist.make sense.kas vinjiem taisiis konci riigaa?

    jaaiet guleet

    Current Mood: noguris
    Current Music: suns kraac
    Saturday, January 13th, 2007
    5:40 pm
    jau otro reizi 2 ned laikaa menti bija sheit.bet vakar taa ljoti nopietni-10 busi.
    Saturday, December 23rd, 2006
    4:03 pm
    peedeejaas dienaas no visaadiem viesiem baigi forshaas daavanas sanjeemu.visi maajaas laimiigi atgriezushies no kopenhaagenas.tas priecee.apstiijaaties,kas tur notikaas?

    es teicu,ka mums ir sauna 4tajaa staavaa?he he

    Current Mood: ir ok
    Current Music: kylesa
    Sunday, December 10th, 2006
    8:42 pm
    Friday, December 1st, 2006
    5:22 pm
    kad atbraucu,nomaniiju paklaaju savaa istabaa.sasham radaas lieliskaa doma,ka lai nevjadzeetu veco paklaaju stiept lejaa,jaamet aaraa pa logu.doma jau kruta,tik zem mana loga, maajas sienaa ir kaukaad mistiski metala spiekji.nu tad man paklaajs taa arii palika karaajamies uz tiem spiekjiem.un karaajas veel joprojaam-3sho nedeelju.neviens veel nav pamaniijis;))))jautri.

    bet taa viss man labi-tik kaukaads bacils piemeties.shodien ieshu uz zajebis konci un riitaa braucu pretii krolazam.plus-ainaar,tev sveiciens no vilnja.

    Current Mood: zajebis
    Friday, September 29th, 2006
    4:00 pm
    izmetaam trako itaali.iisteniibaa vinjsh aizgaaja pa mieriigo.tad atnaaca atpaklaj.un notikaas klope ar vinja diviem citiem draugiem-itaaljiem-lunaatikjiem.kaads izsauca mentus.bet viss jau bij beidzies.nu un taga trakais itaalis ir atpaklj.neesmu gan maniijusi,mosh vinjsh beidzot saacis guleet.
    biju zoro fest.baigi kruta.neredzeeju nevienu grupu-tiesa meehjinaaju skatiities pack,bet prieksh manis pa paarbaaztu;)veel pavaariiju bikijn suudus.nu taadu veseliigu devu.
    un veel-musm ir veel viens sunjux dziivoklii-atradaam kuceenu uz ielas.baigi shepteejas,mazaa.

    Current Mood: darbiigs
    Current Music: kontravers
    Thursday, August 17th, 2006
    7:03 pm
    citaats no ziina "bite the hand that feeds the poisoned food"
    a couple of months later there was a Queers-Only party at Ungdomshuset where another stupid incident occured.the party was strictly no-heteros-allowed, with the exception of 3 girls who were cooking to prepare for a big childrens party going on the following afternoon, and who had explained this and had it OK-ed at previous Monday Meeting by the queer party organisers.so when they were finished they were having a beer in the kitchen before they went home, and a group of girls from the party came down and asked them "what they were". i think some responded that they were bisexual and others refused to define themselves. they were told that they either had to join the party upstairs or leave. it was fairly clear that this incident was in rection to how one of the 3 had recently insulted a gay boy who's quite active in Ungdomshuset, calling him something like a " pre-pubescent idiot ". so, the incident went to the Monday Meeting. the queer group refused to account for themseves and collectuvely boycotted the Monday Meeting after the incident (this sort of " how you dare to question us " behaviour is all too typical). when they came to the following weeks Meeting, they made a statement that they'd decided that the girl who's insulted the guy was guilty of using male tactics of domination and oppression, and therefore they were revoking her status as a woman and she was now actally a male, in fact. no, im serious i couldn't make up this shit uo if i wanted to. are they going to enforce her into wearing a strap-on amnd false moistache or to have an operation or something!?....

    Current Mood: smiekliigs
    Current Music: sage francis
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