Morte anima
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Tuesday, November 30th, 2004

    Time Event

    Look at me! It really was not easy, but I can breathe. And I`m so grateful `couse I can see.
    I am free to do exactly what I please ...
    So ... come with me to a place where we can be.

    Current Music: Rammstein - Du hast


    Nedomāt, jo domāšana ir kaitīga manai veselībai.
    Nestrādāt, jo tas manī rada atkarību - darbalkoholismu.
    Neatpūsties, jo tas manī pamodina izmisumu, bezspēcību un bailes pašai no sevis.

    Ko lai es daru?

    Current Mood: cenšos savākties
    Current Music: Rammstein - Ich will

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