klaburcūka's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 40 most recent ones recorded in klaburcūka's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, January 13th, 2009
    5:07 pm
    nesaprotu, ko var sēdēt šeit un likt bildītes. būtu labāk gājuši taisīt revolūciju.
    Wednesday, January 7th, 2009
    9:33 am
    gribu aizbraukt uz kūrortu ar zaļu ūddeni, staigāt salmu cepurē un uzvesties egoistitski! priecāties par neko!
    Tuesday, December 30th, 2008
    11:31 pm
    This moment!...this herenow...is forgotten when you start thinking in terms of achieving something. When the achieving mind arises, you lose contact with the paradise you are in. This is one of the most liberating approaches: it liberates you right now! Forget all about sin and forget all about saintliness; both are stupid. Both together have destroyed all the joys of humanity. The sinner is feeling guilty, hence his joy is lost. How can you enjoy life if you are continuously feeling guilty? if you are continuously going to the church to confess that you have done this wrong and that wrong? And wrong and wrong and wrong...your whole life seems to be made of sins. How can you live joyously? It becomes impossible to delight in life. You become heavy, loaded. Guilt sits on your chest like a rock, it crushes you; it does not allow you to dance. How can you dance? How can guilt dance? How can guilt sing? How can guilt love? How can guilt live? So the one who thinks he is doing something wrong is guilty, burdened, dead before death, has already entered into the grave.

    Guilt is one of the most destructive emotions in which we can get caught. If we have wronged another, or gone against our own truth, then of course we will feel bad. But to let ourselves be overwhelmed with guilt is to invite a migraine. We end up surrounded by nagging clouds of self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness to the point where we cannot see any of the beauty and joy that life is trying to offer us. We all long to be better people--more loving, more aware, more true to ourselves. But when we punish ourselves for our failures by feeling guilty, we can get locked into a cycle of despair and hopelessness that robs us of all clarity about ourselves and the situations we encounter. You are absolutely okay as you are, and it is absolutely natural to go astray from time to time. Just learn from it, move on, and use the lesson not to make the same mistake again.
    11:22 pm
    kontrolieris, zaķi bēg
    Controlled persons are always nervous because deep down turmoil is still hidden. If you are uncontrolled, flowing, alive, then you are not nervous. There is no question of being nervous - whatsoever happens, happens. You have no expectations for the future, you are not performing. Then why should you be nervous?

    To control that mind, one has to remain so cold and frozen that no life energy is allowed to move into your limbs, into your body. If energy is allowed to move, those repressions will surface. That's why people have learned how to be cold, how to touch others and yet not touch them, how to see people and yet not see them. People live with clichés - "Hallo. How are you?" Nobody means anything. These are just to avoid the real encounter of two persons. People don't look into each other's eyes, they don't hold hands, they don't try to feel each other's energy, they don't allow each other to pour - very afraid, somehow just managing, cold and dead, in a straitjacket.
    that reminds us to take a deep breath, loosen our neckties and take it easy. If mistakes happen, it's okay. If things get a little out of hand, it's probably just what the doctor ordered. There is much, much more to life than being "on top of things."
    11:12 pm
    te gudrības
    A man who lives through conscience becomes hard. A man who lives through consciousness remains soft. Why?--because a man who has some ideas about how to live, naturally becomes hard. He has continuously to carry his character around himself. That character is like an armor; his protection, his security; his whole life is invested in that character. And he always reacts to situations through the character, not directly. If you ask him a question, his answer is ready-made. That is the sign of a hard person--he is dull, stupid, mechanical. He may be a good computer, but he is not a man. You do something and he reacts in a well- established way. His reaction is predictable; he is a robot. The real man acts spontaneously. If you ask him a question, your question gets a response, not a reaction. He opens his heart to your question, exposes himself to your question, responds to it....

    This is the portrait of one whose whole life energy has been depleted in his efforts to keep fueling the enormous and ridiculous machine of self-importance and productivity. He has been so busy "keeping it all together" and "making sure everything runs smoothly", that he has forgotten to really rest. No doubt he can't allow himself to be playful. To abandon his duty for a trip to the beach could mean the whole structure might come tumbling down. The message of this card is not just about being a workaholic, though. It is about all the ways in which we set up safe but unnatural routines for ourselves and, by doing so, keep the chaotic and spontaneous away from our doors. Life isn't a business to be managed, it's a mystery to be lived. It's time to tear up the time-card, break out of the factory, and take a little trip into the uncharted. Your work can flow more smoothly from a relaxed state of mind.
    Friday, December 26th, 2008
    9:48 pm
    nupat atkal pamanīju, ka man jūzerpikčas.
    bet vispār tur neko normālu nevar ielikt, tik maziņas
    9:45 pm
    vispār man nepatīk sajūta, ka mani, klaburcūku, var piedraugot vai atdraugot
    it kā stāvētu ceļa malā kā tāda rozā ielene
    9:44 pm
    gribas kaķīti
    9:38 pm
    nesen sapratu, ka vārds "taisnīgums" reāli traucē dzīvot. priekšstats, ko iemāca skolā ir tik aplams, ka man visi sari ceļas gaisā, ja būtu kaķis koncertā, visi domātu, ka esmu katarses varā, skudriņu ieskauta.
    Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008
    5:59 pm
    kā ir iespējams, ejot cauri šai brīnišķīgajai zālei ar izrakstītajām karnīzēm, debešķīgajiem sienu gleznojumiem un zeltītajām kolonnām ar izsmalcinātiem kapiteļiem ar augstajiem griestiem un akustiskajām sienām, kur atbalsojas ik elpas vilciens un runāt nemaz nav iespējams, tikai dziedāt flautu, flautu! - kā ir iespējams, ejot cauri šai zālei, K L U S Ē T !!???????
    Tuesday, November 11th, 2008
    11:58 pm
    exloves jauna truulove sakusi rakstit par remontiem, flizem, un kritizet visus flizu un remontu veikalus, ka ari par silto udeni un lustru.
    driz 100 punkti nobarosies.
    Sunday, October 12th, 2008
    3:10 pm
    kas ir visdumjākais cilvēks pasaulē?
    kas citus māca bet pats nemācās.
    Saturday, October 11th, 2008
    11:06 am
    kādreiz pietiek ar to, ka vecāki tevi uztaisa un tālāk vienkārši netraucē.
    11:01 am
    nepatīk, ka pēdējā laikā nākas piestrādāt par psiholoģi.
    nāk vīrieši un krata sirdis. man liekas, ka ir interesantākas lietas jo runāt un darīt.
    negribu būt grēksūdzes celle.
    Wednesday, October 1st, 2008
    1:36 pm
    nesaprotu tādus jūzerus, kas piedraugo tos cibiņus, kas viņus reāli besī ārā, tāpēc, lai varētu lasīt tikai draugiem paredzētos viņu ierakstus, un besīties vēl vairāk.
    Friday, September 26th, 2008
    2:36 pm
    vsjo, ujezžaju
    12:13 pm
    12:10 pm
    kas ir stilīgs tas ir mākslinieks
    Wednesday, September 17th, 2008
    8:38 pm
    vai nu neesmu pie pilna prāta, vai arī kaut kas nav. slikta priekšnojauta.
    Tuesday, September 16th, 2008
    12:00 pm
    tam, ka mani neviens nelasa, ir arī savs pluss. nejūtos tā, ka kādu apgrūtinātu ar savu sūdzēšanos. tas ir forši. uztaisīšu vēl vienu dienasgrāmatu, kurā būšu priecīgs sivēns.
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