- 1/15/05 01:09 pm
Viena daanju dziesminja,kas tiks shovakar dziedaata. Nu nedaudz jau skan taa neraatni....
Vi vil ha’ mænd med stil
We want men with style
Ladies: We want men with style
And men with sex appeal
We want men with money, credit cards and cars
And the least hint – He has to be nice
Give us some love, jewellery and mink
Ladies verse:
We want more men that we could take home
We want to have strong, broad shouldered men
And they have to follow us
And make every our wish their command
Men: They have to be beautiful girls
Who give us what we demand
We want girls who drive in the highest gear
Wear a chemise and a sexy bra.
Take a pill and let your headache go J
Men’s verse:
They have to be beautiful girls
And they have to be full with fun
We want small and sexy, big breast girls
They must wash the dishes and twist their body
And keep doing that until we say stop
Ladies: Our men must make it rough and we make it fun
It’ s us at the side of whom
You can sleep now
And if you say no, we say go!
Because we want men who are in our game
Ladies verse
Men: But she has to be pretty and she has to be beautiful
And bring me beer and deliver a son.
And she has to fix my socks
And be my humble chef
And fulfil my wishes until I say enough.
Men’s verse
Ladies: In this women game there is much more
And if you mean, you have the power to it
Show only your gouts and lay down to our feet
And we shall show all our love to you.