Mar. 12th, 2014 @ 10:22 am .
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ja tu neko nespēj paredzēt un negribi domāt iepriekš, tu par to pats arī maksāsi.
iepriekš nenopelnīts slinkums ir dārgs.
domas darba sakarā.
Par šo pukstu
Mar. 12th, 2014 @ 04:19 pm .
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šodien tik sēžu, vicinu kājas un ik pa brīdim klausos labus vārdus un 'paldies'. protams, nekas vēl nav beidzies, bet sākums pozitīvs un šķiet, bija iespringšanas vērts :)
Par šo pukstu
Mar. 12th, 2014 @ 10:31 pm .
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In her book Anger: The misunderstood emotion Carol Tavris recounts a story about a Bengali cobra that liked to bite passing villagers. One day a swami - a man who has achieved self-mastery - convinces the snake that biting is wrong. The cobra vows to stop immediately, and does. Before long, the village boys grow unafraid of the snake and start to abuse him. Battered and bloodied, the snake complains to the swami that this is what came of keeping his promise. "I told you not to bite," said the swami, "but I did not tell you not to hiss." Many people, like the swami's cobra, confuse the hiss with the bite," writes Tavris. [Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking]
Tas, ka strīdoties intraverti augstāk vērtē emociju savākšanu un uzskata par savu savu lielo ieguldījumu to, ka ir mazāk strīdējušies, bet ekstraverti, tieši otrādi, augstāk vērtē emociju izpaušanu, ir dikti interesanti.
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