kerosine82's Journal
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Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

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    May be offensive to some viewers
    Omg. I just watched Fight Club. It is OMFGSOGOOD! Why hasn't anyone ever told me to watch this before? Just kidding, Erin! It totally wasn't what I expected. Argh! I want to talk to you about it, E, but I won't be online for like forever. Forever being a day and a half. Stupid fucksucking volunteer work! No, really. I like volunteering. >.>Woah, should've put a goddamn rating on this post. I do apologise if I offend innocent eyes.But hell, while I'm at it - I feel like ranting. So I will. Cos I do what I fucking want when I want! Except ...when other people tell me what to do.I have to scan photos all day tomorrow for a school that fucked up my bloody life. I spent four years in that hellhole prison of a school; being fed lethal abuse every fucking day by prime losers that craved attention from their messed-up parents and never got it. I copped it every day; remarks from bullies, spitting fire at their vulnerable target. Fresh meat being grilled and chewed, swallowed whole. I stank of pain; I stank of hurt. But the inflamation persisted, the forked tongues. Men - wanting to be dragons with firey breath. Death - it ryhmes with breath - how pretty you did look. So shiny, so effulgent. I scratched at your surface. I itched to be your slave.But it's all over now. A jagged thorn in the timeline of my memory. Nothing but a scar. Or is it?Goddamn I write some crap. But I refuse to be ashamed of it. I'm not even going to read it over. Just deal. Everyone has a dark side.Get busy living, or get busy dying.[x]Ande.

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