kerosine82's Journal
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Monday, January 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    Tagged by helplessly_hopePost your very first icon that you made (if you have it
    Tagged by helplessly_hopePost your very first icon that you made (if you have it, if you don't, the OLDEST one that you have) along with your newest icon. This will allow you to show how you have improved in iconing skills and tag five friends to see how they have improved.One of my oldest: Animation. Hee! How bad. Remember when pixel fonts were cool? -Shudder.- That icon wasn't my first, though. The first one I ever did was of Angel. Back in my Ulead GIF Animator days; way before I got Photoshop. -Pets PS.-Newest one: I'm supposed to tag 5 people, but I don't know who to tag! So if you feel like doing it, go ahead. ;)[x]Ande.

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