kerosine82's Journal
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Friday, January 16th, 2009

    Time Event
    I made wallpapers
    I made wallpapers! I never make wallpapers, so yay, this is something new. Sorry about the identical colour schemes. I just like those colours. Click once to enlarge, and twice to make them as big as they get. Oh yeah, and there's icons to match. Though who uses a wallpaper and an icon on the same page? -Blink.- I should maybe make headers instead. Anyway...

    jameswalljpeg James Marsters wallpaper. 1024x768.

    01 02 03

    ianwallgif Ian Somerhalder wallpaper. 1024x768.

    04 05 06Please comment and credit (for the icons only) if taking! [x]Ande.

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