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Wednesday, June 4th, 2003
3:31p - speleeeshanaas ar cita naudu
Esiet uzmaniigi, ja kaadreiz jums ir dariishana ar Aleksandru (sheit: terrible_lie). Puisis februaarii uznneemaas darbu, dariishanas vietaa suutiija soliijumus "ja esmu kaut ko apsoliijis, tad kaut vai neguleeshu ne minuuti, tachu soliito paveikshu", tachu rezultaataa netika izdariits pat pirmais solis, kursh zinaataajam prasa 30 minuutes. Un galu galaa ir man paraadaa 100Ls sannemtaa avansa, kuru soliijaas atdot pagajushomeenes, bet tas k-kaa nesanaaca un pashlaik izliekas par beigtu esam.
Shis bija mans jaunaakais atgaadinaajums nelaizt naudu no rokaam bez parakstiita papiira, arii tad ja cilveeks nu tik jauks un uzticams liekas, un diemzzeel jo iipashi tad.

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7:06p - c++
Kursh ir izjutis viegli erotisku sajuusmu pirmo reizi lietojot windows c++ threadus un messagingu no tiem uz galveno threadu? ;DD

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Björk - 01 - Hunter
Ahahahaha ;DDDD

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Leeniiteem saaku kraat savam pirmajam auto (p.1, p.2) ;)

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Shii tomeer ir laba vieta. Sheit ir viskautkas no dziives un cilveeki nes sheit kopaa kaadas nu vien zinaashanas vinniem ir, kaa skudras ;)

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10:51p - "I'm no fucking Buddhist but this is enlightenment"
Björk ruleZ! ;DD

" I have walked this earth and watched people.
I can be sincere and say I like them "
" You can't say no to hope, can't say no to happiness "
" I want to go on a mountain-top
with a radio and good batteries
play a joyous tune
and free the human race from suffering "
" I'm no fucking Buddhist but this is enlightenment "
" The less room you give me, the more space I've got "
" This is an alarm-call so wake-up wake-up now "
" Today has never happened and it doesn't frighten me "

current music: Björk - 08 - Alarm Call

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