Shadow ([info]kappate) wrote on April 21st, 2008 at 11:37 pm
I'm sick of myself. As well of the fact that it's cold when it's supposed not to be.
When the hell will i stop freezing? And when will I stop being an idiot that has no place to go, parasite who lives so far depending on friends... I'll soon have to pay all money and not only debts, what then?
I feel hated. I feel stupid.
I guess I just should stop caring.
Get me something to drink people. Take me outside. Attack internet so all sites where I have contacts with people would get deleted. Then it wouldn't be my fault that there are no more conversations between me and anyone I used to know.
Call me. Talk to me for hours as I'm baned to call on mobile phones from home phone now.
Meh, forget about me.
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