16 March 2010 @ 11:22 pm
such a huge ego.  
Camooon. Mana mēness zīme un ascendents ir Skorpions! killin me.

Extreme Behavior
The root meaning of passion is "to suffer," and with your Moon in Scorpio you know that better than any other sign. Your passionate disposition understands that in order to really live, you have to be willing to face pain and adversity. The problem is that you may have become accustomed to equating pain with life to such a degree that you miss out on the joy and pleasure that surrounds you. When things get too easy, you may even sabotage yourself. Creating a crisis in order to grow from the challenges it presents is exhausting.

You are here to practice a sort of spiritual transcendence, but not at the expense of your human body. There's a saying in certain magical traditions that "body trumps spirit" -- no matter what. Even though you may sense that there's something valuable to be gleaned from your suffering or from deeply spiritual experiences, you have to take care of your physical needs first. This means learning to let go of addictions to emotional roller coasters or other mood-altering substances.

When your Scorpio Moon is out-of-balance, it can manifest as obsession. You become preoccupied with loved ones' behavior, thinking that they are hiding something or betraying you in some way. Similarly, diet and health issues may suddenly garner all of your attention. You naturally tend to swing back and forth between extremes, which is a by-product of your pure desire to feel things very deeply. Once you have decided to merge, you require intense affection and absolute commitment in love.

For you, learning to come out of the darkness and into the light is a lifelong process of self-discovery. You will always feel drawn to your own shadows and inner demons. But you can learn to manifest love and acceptance for these places, once you accept stillness. It is imperative that you establish some kind of deep connection on the spiritual or psychological level. Reading Tarot cards; studying ecstatic traditions like Sufism, Wicca, or Tantric sex; meeting regularly with a psychotherapist -- these activities will help you to understand more of your hidden nature and lead you to healthy, inspiring expressions of your natural power -- a reservoir of passion.
Skan: beyonce - ego