[info]jbook wrote
on November 10th, 2004 at 08:25 am

Pārbūvē savu māju pats

Apnikusi vecā garāža pie mājas? Gribi tās vietā labāk terasi? Uz priekšu. Un ātri. Ar Subaru.

I went through...
His house...
His fence...
and his neighbors fence...

my explanation would be the gas stuck... and yes it stuck, I'm not kidding and it happened so fast I didn't think of like the 15 ways to stop a car when that happens so don't flmae me... I was freakin out when I realized there was no way i could possibly stop at all... and I had a choice to either try and make the turn and end up flipping when the car slid sideways into the curb or hit the **** head on... I tried to steer towards the fence but i missed and still hit the house. I'm not sure what speed I was going. but it was at the top of my third gear cuz it was almost to redline.

Šis izrādās ir populārs triks!

Šeit vēl

Brauksim prātīgi!

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