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jantup's Journal

9th April, 2012. 12:06 am. ubuntu server upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10

decided to setup nis on my home (file)server in order to stop mess with my family members' files; or at least contain the mess in less places ;)

i know, nic is not a newest tool for the job, but i was scared by ldap setup instructions

ok, there were prerequisite, to set up time sync with time server(s); went smooth; because it is simple :)

installation of the nis package kind of succeeded - no installation errors, but service didn't want to start correctly - yp binding failed

found out that it is a bug

ha, almost decided to go for kernel recompile... because 11.04 stopped at < don't remember, but not enough for a bug in question>

even thought that 3rd kernel is out for a while - why should i deny it myself?

but then realized, that version upgrade gives me even more freedom to choose kernel version

should have stayed with the initial idea :(

upgrade fucked almost everything
- network doesn't work - my bonded nic's doesn't for a nice bond0, some virtbr0 interface appeared (may be the swithc impacts somehow? - there was some integration)
- raid gives a messages it never did before, thank {god|easter hare} that data is intact - i shudder of the thought of restoring a few terabytes of everything from backup - it's just about config
- nfs service doesn't start
- and - last, but not the least - you should guess what does nic service upon start - yes, yes, you are right

so, now i am creating a new ubuntu server 12.04 precise pangolin beta2 bootable installation usb stick :)

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