10:22pm 27/02/2005 |
Interview with guitarist Andrew Bradley Connecticut's Life In Your Way is a new band playing a form of music which has elements of hardcore, punk, and metal. Their debut, The Sun Rises and the Sun Sets and Still Our Time is Endless, has been released through Indianola Records. The packaging for this album is fantastic and musically Life In Your Way have constructed an intense album. Here is guitarist Andrew Bradley.
Life In Your Way is a peculiar name for a band, how did you happen to choose this for your group? Like most kids starting a band, we had to think of a name that was original and catchy, I was looking and thinking about everything. While reading the Bible (as I do sometimes) a few lines popped out to me and on part of it was "life in your way". So, I went on reading about why it was in very small print down on the bottom of the page in a book called Psalms. It turns out that most things in the Bible were often difficult to translate from language to language. The languages that the Bible were written in; Hebrew, Greek and and a few others. Well, things were hard to put into our way of speaking so, sometimes they'd put little ideas to where something might sound a little different or just be put in a different way. That's what life in your way was all about, and I thought it was awesome.
The booklet and imagery is very unique and expressive- what was the idea behind this creation? It's really a work of art by Club Olsen from Bootcore Grafix. We had an idea of putting a vintage or a mid-evil scheme to the lay out. We only really had ideas for colors and stuff like that, we gave him a bunch of pictures too (that never got in there). Anyway, we think it worked out great.
Do you feel there is an overall concept at work on this debut album? Was it important to portray this visually as well as lyrically? The whole booklet worked out awesome to how the whole album turned out to be too. It does have a good flow, the lay out with the music and the lyrics just came together. We're glad that the layout came to be eye opening, like how we want our songs to be. I always hoped i could put out music that would change people for the better.
Many bands in heavy music express themselves with negativity- why do you choose to spread a positive message? In the last interview I did there was a question something like "I know there is a time for us to talk about personal issues like you do in your songs but with so much going on in the world right now like the Iraq war and the different stuff the Bush administration is doing, will we see Life In Your Way take a stand for some of these specific issues? I like to put out lyrics that would help and strengthen all people no matter what they believe. You know what I mean? We do share a lot of what has happened to us in our songs. I think that's a great way to put a new idea in a persons point of view. There is a lot that I don't believe in, but I will try my hardest to believe in people.
Do you feel it is important for someone to have faith to be able to understand your lyrical message? Important? No. There is such a big picture to what we can be in this world, through our lyrics I want people to know the things in this world that we all can believe in and rely on, sometimes it's hard to see but it's in there; true love, sincerity, trust, hope and God (who is always the same for me).
Your music appears to draw inspiration for metal, hardcore, and punk- how did you happen upon such a varied sound? When we first started out in early '99 we were straight up metal core. Wrote some awesome songs and had a great time playing them. Then, in early '01 we had some member changes, (it was a 4 piece) so we lost our one guitarist. The drummer moved up to guitar sang backup vocals. Two new members came right in, new drummer and a new guitar player. We scrapped all of our old songs (which I didn't really want to do, but I went along with it) and we started writing the new material. It was really how it usually works, everyone putting in their ideas, we tried the best we could to write music that was exciting and maybe even breathtaking.
How do you like living in Connecticut? Do you travel down to New York City often? I like Connecticut very much. I was born here and lived here all my life. I have gotten around quite a bit with the band, but this will still always be an awesome place to me. Haven't gone to the city too much, maybe around six times. I've seen a few shows down there and been there once or twice just to hang out and walk around. It's a busy place. So much going on and so much anyone could get into. I'd say anyone who hasn't been there, they should really go and check it out. Like I said, there is so much you could do.
What thoughts do you have on your local music scene? Is it overall supportive or are bands and clubs usually out for themselves? We sure do have some of those clubs and club owners that are all out for themselves, and those shows usually don't a good atmosphere. Most of the really good shows now are put on by kids. It could be at a hall or there has been a lot of shows at university's. The scene is over all pretty good. We have the Boston scene very close and there is quite a bit going on in New York, those are both very close neighboring states. The bands, I think are like everywhere, kids just trying to have fun and play for people, even though they could have bad attitudes and sound horrible.
Final comments? We just put out a full length album in early August. We're really happy with it. It's on Indianola Records out of Georgia. It's been getting in some stores but if it's in a specific one, you should be able to order it pretty much anywhere, and of course, you could get it online. Other than that, try to look out for us on tours and |
Read 2 - Post |
10:15pm 27/02/2005 |
nekad neesmu bijis wel preicixax par meilu ka shodien. jo sanemu meilu no Life In Your Way ( milakas grupas) .. mmm ritix kruta. njaa. bet diena suudigia, ja nu wienixi tas ledijas smaids + wel waxar koncis suxofona pilnigi debils . ljoti ljoti debils. suxafons suka.. |
Read 9 - Post |
..the stars will cry, black tears to night ....... |
11:27pm 25/02/2005 |
music: story of the year Anthem Of Our Dying Day

Read 6 - Post |
10:37pm 24/02/2005 |
music: alexis on fire little girls pointing and lug
Read 10 - Post |
10:33pm 24/02/2005 |
 You are hardcore. When you're at a show people are jumping away from you foot as you spin kick in the pit. You probably love piercings and tattos. Surely you know several uses for your area code.
How Screamo are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Post |
10:21pm 24/02/2005 |
music: Alexis On Fire Little grils pointing and laug
eXtra supriXa diena.lai ari neko daudz nedarijosbet enivej kruta.fascine man skitads laiks kad krit sniegs un skan kauc kas superiks ausis.bacunwel tumsa ir. uniXali.
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10:36pm 23/02/2005 |
music: Fordirelifesake Exhale
man.lenam.jau.sax.uzmaxties.miex.knjeer.rit.suce.tix.daudz.darba.+.wel.pec.tam.megisa.ar.PV.pec.ilgaka. ceramc.kauc.ko.jaunu.sabidisim.kip.cix.noprotu.wel.6dien.koncis.sux-o-fona.tur.man.tracina.spelet.bet.enivej.speleshu.laixam.:).bac.wel.laixam.jaiet.pamacities.sawadax.nifga. neesmu.neko.darijies.shodien.ehc.a.toties.rit.k.d.ieks.geografijas.+.wel.tas.ZPD.darbs.jauzchini.kuram. man.negribas.skarties.pat.klat.brrrr... |
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07:13am 23/02/2005 |
94 hours |
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10:34pm 21/02/2005 |
your smile = kills me |
Read 17 - Post |
05:00pm 21/02/2005 |
music: the bled my cyanide catharis
school sucks |
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06:43pm 20/02/2005 |
music: as i lay dying the beginning
bac ja smaids* waretu nogalinat es jaw butu shodien miris
* wienac ledijas smaids...arrpraac |
Read 37 - Post |
06:42pm 20/02/2005 |
swiecu superixaxo waawri hive iex par 1wienu gadu wecaxas palixanaa |
Read 2 - Post |
08:21pm 17/02/2005 |
un wisi dzied : LIVE
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08:14pm 17/02/2005 |
music: atreyu lip gloss & black
miex nax miex nax.. miex nax. bet tu man nelauj gulet. |
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08:42pm 16/02/2005 |
music: love lost but not forgotten calm & secure
njaaritdienlaixamtriecamuzkalnuAFIGENAgribaspaslidinatiecartodeli.nuwoistenibaweltixdaudzkasjaizdarajorittapiiprojektdienaunkipjaiztulko79lpp.noangluwalodasuzLVbactasbuscakarsnudien.betenivejtixsuperixadienawelshajziemanaubijusiwienkarshiperfektasaulitespidamaniexatadcpriex+welskolaklausijosdiwaskrutasblicesLIYW&iN.Pieces.+weltagadskanLoveLostButNotForgotten.Hive.maniarshitosaslimdinajanezelixipiedur.arpraatixipietamwle. |
Read 15 - Post |
nauda=saboja cilwexu...dam money sucks |
10:04pm 15/02/2005 |
music: fordirelifesake sometimes like the tide (mmmm)
.. nu wo ritixi ladziiga diena ... wienixais fiska tada ka pilniba nau pikis dammit ( bet lapi ka nau ) ... njaa gribetoc lai butu lai waretu iecel tas kas mna i wajadzix bet i trust in u... nu wo nezelixi noguris wel kauc kadc debilicmc jauzratxa. kip lieten.bet dorswien ka to taghat nedarishu.ieshu laixam kartotiec miegam. bet ne japaklausas un japadara sis tac..\m/ |
Read 8 - Post |
10:24pm 13/02/2005 |
jiihaa sanemu LIFE IN YOUR WAY cd`ee... jiihaaa |
Read 2 - Post |
08:56pm 11/02/2005 |
music: everytime i die the logic of crocodiles
nu wo laixam jatriec uz jurmalu .. gribas tur padziwotiec tur man patix, tur war nedomat winkarshi piesesties pie bungam un ardiitiec + wel aiziet lidz jurai un pastitiec. btw shodien man akal mistiska aa nee waxar mistiska weida skaneja galwa wisu laixu dziesma no underOATH when the sun sleeps .. lapc i dawaj lidz 7dienai ;) |
Read 3 - Post |
09:06pm 10/02/2005 |
njaa ... rit izsxatas gara diena priexa. nezinu kas notixiec a to braucienu.bet ... ehhc.. nu wo akal jaw shodien tix afigena kruta diena wienixaic akla jaw esmu bezgala noguris un smagi salumic, bet jutoc laimix ka esmu dziwc.nja+ wel atkal ta dziesma kas uzriida tadu superixi pacilajoshu garstawoxil. i`m and broken crying falling for You... |
Read 13 - Post |
10:59pm 09/02/2005 |
nu wo. krutc man waxars padewiec.jauxi ietusejamiec ar janci, un wel hahu. un ja jatriec wispar guelt negribas neko pildit ceramc ka nekas nau uzdoc.bet ja i norita ceramc izpildishu.baigi miex nax wirsu bet baigi gribas man est. damm... thx U 4 this awesome day |
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