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Oktobris 29., 2004

[info]itta13:02 - šitā mana optimisma dziesma. kad cenšos būt stipra un neapstāties. klausījos uz rakstīju..
i know how to hurt
i know how to heal
i know what to show
and what to conseal
i know when to talk
and i know when to touch
no one ever died from wanting too much...
the world is not enough
but it's such a perfect place to start, my love,
and if you strong enough,
together we can take the world apart, my love

people like us
know how to survive
there's no point of living
if you can't feel the life...
we know when to kiss
and we know when to kill
if you can't have it all
then nobody will...
the world is not enough
but it's such a perfect place to start, my love,
and if you strong enough,
together we can take the world apart, my love

i feel sick...
i feel scared...
i feel ready...
and heaven prepares...
the world is not enough
but it's such a perfect place to start, my love,
and if you strong enough,
together we can take the world apart, my love
the world is not enough...
the world is not enough....

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