Aprīlis 1., 2005
11:45 urā! skriešanas sezona atklāta!!! :)
12:04 Pamodos no rīta - skatos, viss pelēks, saulītes nav..:( Domāju - tāks, esmu vakar samelojusies par saulaino šodienu, bet nē - tā pelēkā jau tik migla...:) Tagad debesis tik zilzilas un saulīte tik spoža, ka acis žilbst... :)
12:30 gaiss tik dzidrs, tik caurspīdīgs, tik... !!!!
migla visus sārņus paņēmusi sev līdz.....
14:10 sado-mazo eksekūciju seanss godam izturēts.. :)
un no greipfrūtiem man vēl joprojām metas šķaudamais... a-a-a-apčīīīīīī
16:55 ievērtēju tvaicējamo aparātu, ko man iešķiņķoja... smarža no tā puses nāk patiešām laba... būs man tvaicēti dārzeņi ar tvaicētiem vistas šķiņķīšiem.... :)))
21:05 vīns, žāvētas butes, atmiņas un jaunākās tenkas - mans ideālais šisvakars..kopā ar Viņu - meiteni, ko iepazinu salīdzinoši nesen, bet kas pavisam noteikti iekļaujas grupā - "tuvs draugs"...:)
You Will Die at Age 76 |
You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...
And how you'll die as well. |
You Are 40% Extrovert, 60% Introvert |
You're a bit outgoing, a bit reserved
Like most people, you enjoy being social
But you also value the time you have alone
You have struck a good balance! |
Your Brain is 53.33% Female, 46.67% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
You Are A Hazelnut Tree |
You're a charmer with a killer sense of humor.
You are very demanding, but you can also be very understanding.
No matter what, you always make a lasting impression - you're quite popular.
Passionate, you are an active fighter for social causes and politics.
In general, you are moody, honest, a perfectionist, and very sexual. |
You Are 55% Normal
(Somewhat Normal)
While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
Sviesta Ciba |