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Saturday, October 6th, 2007

    Time Event
    Burmā tūkstošiem miermīlīgu protestētāju, galvenokārt budistu mūku, kas protestē pret pastāvošo totalitāro režīmu, tiek nosūtīti uz cietumiem un apspiesti, daudzi tiek vienkārši nošauti. Izlasiet pilno tekstu un parakstiet petīciju. Tas neaizņems daudz jūsu dārgā laika. <==

    Paraksti petīciju, kas tiks iesniegta ANO, jo beidzot ir kādam laiks iejaukties un apturēt to ārprātu.

    Pilnais teksts, Angliski:

    "Dear friends,

    Our emergency petition to stop the crackdown on
    peaceful protesters in Burma is exploding, with nearly
    500,000 signers from every nation of the world. But the
    situation in Burma remains desperate, with reports of
    hundreds of monks being massacred and tortured.
    Burma's rulers have also killed and expelled
    international journalists, cutting off global media
    coverage of their cruelty.

    China is still the key - the country with the most
    power to halt the Burmese generals' reign of terror.
    We're delivering our message this week with a massive
    ad campaign in major newspapers, beginning with a full
    page ad in the Financial Times worldwide tomorrow, and
    in the South China Morning Post on Thursday. The
    strength of the ad comes from the number of petition
    signers listed – can we reach our goal of 1 million
    signatures this week? The link to sign the petition
    and view the ad is below, forward this email to all
    your friends and family!

    China continues to provide key economic and military
    support to Burma's dictatorship, but it has been
    openly critical of the crackdown. Now we need the
    government to match words with actions. Our ad paints
    a powerful moment of choice for China in its
    relationship with the world – will it be a
    responsible and respected member of the global
    community, or will it be associated with tyranny and

    People power, on the streets of Burma, and around the
    world, can triumph over tyranny. Our strength is in
    our numbers, spread the word!

    With hope and determination,

    Ricken, Paul, Ben, Graziela, Pascal, Galit and the
    whole Avaaz team.

    For the best local reporting on the situation in Burma,
    try these links:"

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