Sacerda's Journal
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Friday, April 16th, 2010

Time:9:50 am.
Ak, Pīter.
Cerams, ka nesenā pievēršanās Dievam Tev tagad dod kaut kādu labumu.

How quickly pass the days long is the night
Lying in bed awake bathed in starlight
Better to live as king of beasts
Than as a lamb scared and weak

I will deny my role as a human
Holding myself hostage with no demands
It's better to burn quickly and bright
Than slowly and dull without a fight
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Time:10:26 am.
Esmu ievērojusi, ka cilvēki uz atvadām manā virzienā nereti pasaka: "Turies!", pat ja nekas nelāgs manā dzīvē tobrīd nav noticis vai vismaz nav ticis apspriests. Varbūt man ir mūžīgā cietēja sejas izteiksme vai izteiksmes veids?
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Sacerda's Journal

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