Čau, ciba, čau Trumpi, čau rosetta, čau satina (vienīgie kas man te ir)
Bet tā kā es jaunā gada naktī apņēmos te beiži kko ierakstīt.. tad tomēr neapstāšos...
Par klabu jau biju aizmirsis o.O
Lalala...Traļaļaāl... Bet pie datora ilgi netikšu .. Ridiridi rallalalaaaa.
Ā jā otra izrāde pēc 2 dienām..
Beautiful, dirty dirty rich rich dirty dirty beautiful dirty rich
Dirty dirty rich dirty dirty rich beautiful
Beautiful and dirty dirty rich rich we got a red light, pornographic dance fight, systematic, honey but we go no money
our hair is perfect, while were all getting shit wrecked, it's automatic, honey but we got no money
Daddy I'm so sorry, I'm so sssory yea, we just like to party, like to ppparty yea,
Bang Bang, we're beautiful and dirty rich
Bang Bang, we're beautiful and dirty rich
We live a cute life, soundfematic, pants tight
Honey but we got no money
We do the dance right, we have go it made like ice cream topped with honey
But we got no money
Daddy I'm so sorry, I'm so sssorry yea, we just like to party, like to ppparty yea,
Bang Bang, we're beautiful and dirty rich
Bang Bang, we're beautiful and dirty rich
A bang bang bang, bang bang bang, beautiful, dirty rich
A bang bang bang, bang bang bang, beautiful, dirty rich
Bang Bang, we're beautiful and dirty rich
Bang Bang, we're beautiful and dirty rich
Bang bang
Bang bang