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rakstu darbi [Mar. 19th, 2006|01:29 pm]
[mood |creative]
[music |Type O Negative - Everything Dies]

man ir, ko teikt.
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[Feb. 28th, 2006|11:02 pm]
[mood |nemierīgs]
[music |Death In June - To Drown a Rose]

Ich bin
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zils [Feb. 2nd, 2006|05:38 pm]
[mood |noguris]
[music |The Velvet Underground - Pale Blue Eyes]

Get your own spectral analysis from Area 23®
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nogurums [Jan. 24th, 2006|04:39 pm]
[music |Shudder To Think - Ballad Of Maxwell Demon]

Domāt par to, kas zudis, grimis pagājībā un nav atgriežams, par to, ko nevar mainīt, ir viena no tizlākajām nodarbēm, ko vien var iedomāties.
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gruzdošu drošinātāju smaka [Jan. 16th, 2006|06:33 pm]
[mood |sadrumstalots]
[music |Carter Burwell - Velvet Spacetime]

Jāatcerās, kā bija būt vienatnē ar sevi. negribētos atklāt, ka zudusi pašpietiekamība.
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Svētku ieraksts [Dec. 24th, 2005|04:54 pm]
[mood |labs]
[music |Anathema - Wings Of God]

nodrāzti izklausīsies, bet tomēr - pacentieties ticēt mīlestībai.
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Cosmic Dancer [Dec. 14th, 2005|06:26 pm]
[mood |nostaļģija]
[music |T-Rex - Bang A Gong (Get It On)]

I was dancing when I was eight
Is it strange to dance so late
I danced myself into the tomb
Is it strange to dance so soon
I danced myself into the tomb

Is it wrong to understand
The fear that dwells inside a man
What's it like to be a loon
I liken it to a balloon

I danced myself out of the womb
Is it strange to dance so soon
I danced myself into the tomb
But when again once more.

kaut kas skumjš un aizkustinošs ir šajā dziesmā. T-Rex mani saprot šovakar.
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[Nov. 23rd, 2005|09:23 pm]
[mood |miegains]
[music |Victoria - Core Of The Apple]

Apsmadzeņoju sirdslietas.
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Mana bezjēdzīgi jēdzīgā dzīve. [Nov. 15th, 2005|09:43 pm]
[mood |bezjēdzīgs]
[music |Pasaules Gaisma - Putnu biedēklis]

Poll #8511
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Ir tavai dzīvei jēga, cilvēk?

atvainojiet par nekompetenci, bet jēgas definēšanu atstāju jūsu ziņā kā kaut ko subjektīvu.
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fire [Nov. 13th, 2005|01:20 am]
[mood |noguris un drūms]
[music |Ishii Yasushi - Toll Of The Masked Priests Chapel]

Vai tev nebūtu uguns? Nē, nē, ne jau ar ko atkausēt ledu manā sirdī vai kas tamlīdzīgs. Šķiltavas vajadzētu.
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migla galvā, migla aiz loga. [Nov. 12th, 2005|01:39 am]
[mood |dusk]
[music |Nick Cave - Do You Love Me?]

viņa vajā mani sapņos.

sākumā es neuzticējos, bet tad mēs sadraudzējāmies. mēs gājām pa tukšu pilsētu un apmaldījāmies. mēs gājām gar plašiem, aizaugušiem kapiem. bija apmācies, bet gaišs, un sāka līt.
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[Nov. 8th, 2005|11:23 am]
[mood | stressed]
[music |Nine Inch Nails - Only]

Iedzer šņabi, bērniņ, un uzkod ar cigareti.
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I'm only happy when it rains [Oct. 27th, 2005|10:23 pm]
[mood |domīgs]
[music |Beethoven - 2nd Symphony]

Poll #8343 ja godīgi
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

tu jūties laimīgs?

View Answers

vairāk jā
4 (80.0%)

vairāk nē
1 (20.0%)


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[Oct. 10th, 2005|08:20 pm]
[mood |noguris]
[music |The Clash - London Calling]

Lai nogurtu no dzīves, nemaz nav jābūt vecam.
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sajūta [Oct. 8th, 2005|08:34 pm]
[mood |skumji]
[music |Christoper O'Rilei - Exit Music (for a film)]

nupat ir ļoti skumji. ienīstu raudāšanu, bet tas, ka reizāem to tomēr daru, liecina tikai par manu pretīgo vājumu, un tamdēļ ienīstu to vēl vairāk.

upd. un cik savādā kārtā pietiek ar vienu zvanu, ar pāris vārdiem, lai tas pārietu. Paldies Dievam, skumjas man vismaz nav hroniskas. Psihiskā nestabilitāte gan.
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[Oct. 7th, 2005|02:55 pm]
[music |Smashing Pumpkins - To Sheila]

Es gribu būt neiespējamo lietu speciālists. Es gribu ticēt "neiespējamajam".
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[Oct. 6th, 2005|11:23 pm]
[music |Christoper O'Riley - Like Spinning Plates]

Labāk ir nožēlot izdarīto, nekā neizdarīto. Vai kā?
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[Sep. 20th, 2005|09:49 pm]
[mood |mhm]
[music |Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers]

nu jūs, pidari, piemēram, pat Mendeļejeva periodisko tabulu no galvas nezināt. es arī nezinu.

/neuztvert personiski.
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Vēl viens klabeklis. [Sep. 19th, 2005|08:15 pm]
[mood | nervous]
[music |Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Moya]

Sveiki, es esmu mazais pseidogotiskais tīnis un es šeit muldēšu visādas muļķības, izkraujot pār šo serveri visas drazas, kas sakrājas aiz nagiem, pagultē un sirsniņā.
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Useless [Sep. 19th, 2005|08:13 pm]
[mood |nekāds]
[music |Depehe Mode - Enjoy The Silence]


Well it's about time
It's beginning to hurt
Time you made up your mind
Just what is it all worth

All my useless advice
All my hanging around
All your cutting down to size
All my bringing you down

Watch the clock on the wall
Feel the slowing of time
Hear a voice in the hall
Echoing in my mind

All your stupid ideals
You've got your head in the clouds
You should see how it feels
With your feet on the ground

Here I stand the accused
With your fist in my face
Feeling tired and bruised
With the bitterest taste

All my useless advice
All my hanging around
All your cutting down to size
All my bringing you down

All your stupid ideals
You've got your head in the clouds
You should see how it feels
With your feet on the ground
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