Perfect Mind - Day

Saturday, October 2, 2004

12:39PM - domāts ne visiem.

Sometimes I want myself to be locked in a kind of loony bin. The opportunity to be incarcerated is just too good to resist. It would be the main precondition in order to dodge myself off this world. In these moments all my nature seems to lie in saying No - the biggest No this side of existance. Misfortune or salvation? My perverse reasoning. But back of that perversity, I know I am not the one who`d dare to deny the reality.

Current mood: crushed
Current music: baby, I`m crazy
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sāp galva, rūc kuņģis. pie vainas laikam vakar La Salsā izdzertais šurum-burums ar ķirsīti. Radās ideja uzpīpēt tepat, neizejot no ofisa. nē, tas nav slinkums...improvizācija, kas skan modernāk un līdz ar to arī krutāk. kā jau teicu, viss ir līdz riebumam prognozējams.

Current mood: annoyed
Current music: lietus dārzs
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