Dziedam par draudzību!
current song: Rammstein - Moskou
Šodien dzirdēju interesantu ziņu no Eiropas politiskās dzīves. Manuprāt komentāri nav nepieciešami....
Kouchner, Steinmeier sing with Muhabbet
The French and German foreign ministers were at a studio on Monday in
Berlin's Kreuzberg district, a heavily Turkish section of the German
capital, for singing and recording an R&B song on European
integration together with German-Turkish singer Muhabbet.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (R) his French
counterpart Bernard Kouchner (L) and "r'nbesk" singer Muhabbet sing in
a recording studio in Berlin on Monday.
France's Bernard Kouchner and Germany's Frank-Walter Steinmeier
recorded the song, titled "Deutschland" (Germany), on the sidelines of
a regular summit on integration led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy
and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, along with the ministers.
Muhabbet, 22, is commonly referred to as a “prominent face and young
voice of the German-Turkish community.” The song chosen was very
popular in Germany last year.
(vēl :
Varētu ieteikt F. V. Štermeieram (ja jau tik ļoti cilvēkam patīk
''biedroties'' ar dziesmas palīdzību) sarunāt duetu ar Krievijas
ārlietu ministru Sergeju Lavrovu, tā teikt, lai nodzēstu vecās
nesasklaņas un '' pastiprinātu'' Vācijas un Krievijas
sadraudzību, nu,cik ta var naidoties......Varētu nodziedāt kaverversiju
Rammstein dziesmai ''Moskou''. Billboard chart topā pirmā vieta garantēta!