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Thursday, February 12th, 2004
Seezhu un tjipa "maacos" matemaatikas olimpiaadei. Lai gan peec shodienas stundas, kuraa Anchupaans (mans math skolotaajs), man radaas paarlieciiba, ka man tur nav ko dariit... Esmu izgaajusi no ierindas, sen nekas nav dariits lietas labaa... Jaazin kaut kaadas tur mistiskaas teoreemas... Vienaa no uzdevumiem nez no kurienes uzradaas sinusi un kosinusi... Lai! Kas buus, tas buus!:)

current mood: satraukts

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You are capable of anything. People underestimate
you all the time. You are one of those psychos
who legitamately does not care. You have no
fear of death at all. People do not know it,
but you are a very dangerous

Do you embrace DEATH ?
brought to you by Quizilla

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