The first thing i do is.. - May 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 24th, 2008

la Paris - day1 [May. 24th, 2008|08:35 pm]
i already got into some advenure... one guy came to me and asked if i am from Russia, i said no, then he asked if im from US (funny choice of countries to be from), then 1 black guy at Luvre caught me off guard and did smth with the strings and i ended up paying 2EUR he wanted 10, but i said that 2 is more then enough for a pair of strings around my wrist. then i met americans who knew where Latvia is! which was so cool. andi had a starbucks. :)

man slinkums pashai sevi paartulkot.baigais nummuraa man ir vanna!
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