iespejams' Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 20 most recent ones recorded in iespejams' LiveJournal:

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    Friday, November 1st, 2013
    12:16 am
    Quote of the day 1 November 2013

    To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.

    - Thich Nhat Hanh

    Thursday, October 31st, 2013
    6:54 pm
    Quote of the day 31 October 2013

    The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.

    - Joseph Campbell
    Friday, October 25th, 2013
    10:10 pm
    oh Jah
    love found us worthy
    Wednesday, October 16th, 2013
    1:48 am
    - you're like a stoner, but you don't smoke.
    I envy you for that.
    - what? why?
    - you're so chilled. and to get to that state of mind.. whoah.
    Wednesday, October 9th, 2013
    8:25 am
    krāsaini koki
    varbūt tiešām ir tā, ka Tevī ir tie divi vilki, un uzvar tas, kuru Tu baro.
    man negribētos atzīt to vienu vilku, bet var jau būt, ka viņš tur ir.
    un varbūt smilkst reizēs, kad esmu beziemesla bēdīga.
    bet viņš (ja viņš vispār) ir mežonīgs un nepazīst žēlastības, tāpēc arī es nedrīkstu ļaut iežēlināties. tā jau viņi uzvar, laikam.

    shadow work?
    Tuesday, September 24th, 2013
    1:08 am
    "having a good day" might just be a decision
    Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
    1:55 pm
    jocīgi, ka Tu iedomājies cilvēkus kā ejamus ceļus.
    tas apzīmogo to, ka Tu joprojām ietu viena
    Monday, September 2nd, 2013
    2:03 am
    man patīk, ka mēs tā akli uzticamies visādiem likteņiem un vispār viens otram. ka vispār jau vajag būt, kaut bez biežuma ierobežojumiem. ka vispār jau kaut ko vajag. tāda mazliet akla vajadzēšana. man patīk.
    1:55 am
    Ar moci uz jūru. Tur, Saulkrastos, gaiss smaržo pēc dzeltenajām plūmēm, priedēm un saules.
    Saule rietēja, bet pēcākajā rītā uztapa kā solīts. Neredzēju tapšanu, bet debesīs bija. Mans mūžīguma un uzticības, uzticamības simbols.
    Viss būs labi. Gan. Jau. Vēl.
    Monday, August 12th, 2013
    3:40 am
    zvaigžņu lietus šais dienās, Perseīdas.
    vakar kārtīgi izlijām.
    Thursday, August 8th, 2013
    1:48 am
    every story of you is my favorite story
    12:51 am
    aaand one two thre four
    every time you say something positive, it's different. usually when people try to cheer you up, it sounds so.. banal, "heey, it's gonna be ok", but you have the ability to make it sound.. possible.


    *playing the Pit better than Rammstein!
    Monday, July 29th, 2013
    3:29 am
    Quote of the day 29 July 2013
    Stop hiding your love, if you wish the world were a better place, you must begin at once to SHOW LOVE at every chance.
    2:43 am
    perhaps so
    (Perhaps) Being happy now CAN include having no worries about the future. So it is ok to get your future perspective straight before saying "I am happy Now". Living Now does not mean having no care about what we see as linear future.
    Saturday, July 6th, 2013
    1:33 am
    vēlējums I
    be magic
    Saturday, June 8th, 2013
    4:00 am
    it's like,
    you pulled me up from the ground I had crushed into, you made me fly.
    and then let go.
    not sure if I can fly on my own yet.
    Friday, June 7th, 2013
    5:31 am
    Gandhi (1982)
    un saruna ar Ivanu:

    "i'm not the gambler type.
    i mean,
    i rarely gamble money and my life.
    so rare it's almost never."

    katrās briesmās ir drošība, un katrā drošībā - briesmas. un katrā izvēlē tas viss. kā iņ un jaņ, pretstati viens otrā iekšā. iņ un jaņ kā vienums, kurā ir gan tas, gan tas, un tajos (varbūt pašā viducī kā kodols, un tad tas apkārtējais ir kā liels māns) - pretējais.

    man bieži padodas koncentrēties uz mazām lietām, fokusēt uzmanību, apkārtējo it kā neredzot. varbūt tāpēc koncentrējos uz briesmām drošībā un drošību briesmās? pašu lielo, apkārtesošo krāsu blāķi neņemot pie sirds.

    varbūt ir laiks ņemt pie sirds kaut ko vairāk (vai mānus? jāpārbauda).

    a revelation perhaps?
    let us see what happens next
    Wednesday, May 15th, 2013
    12:36 am
    P quote
    "it would be awful if you go somewhere else because in that way you wouldn't be here."
    Friday, May 10th, 2013
    5:30 am
    Sometimes I get my computer yell at me loudly so I don't hear my thoughts.

    *teas/kids are like cats, they're useless
    Saturday, March 16th, 2013
    3:46 am
    be VERY happy!
    this is the best you're ever gonna look.

    /Apollo s08e06
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