I Can Has Cheezburger?'s Journal
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Monday, December 30th, 2013
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A Year in Review: Favorite Animal Moments of 2013 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ICanHasCheezburger/~3/2mNZ2mYvpZw/7954012928 http://cheezburger.com/7954012928
It's been an excellent year full of fantastically hilarious critters of all shapes and sizes. From the super cute to the super crazy, we've seen it all! It wasn't easy, but we've collected some favorites of 2013 and we want you to have a say in which you think are the best!
Below is a list of the funny, darling and downright ludicrous! Click on each of the items to check them out, then make your choices (up to three per day) on which of these you love the most! The top three will be announced on New Year's Eve!
The votes are in and the poll has been closed. Thanks to everyone for your say in the 2013 favorite animal moments. Check in tomorrow for the results!
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