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Izplatu muļķības - A week in a nutshell.
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A week in a nutshell.
Hopefully, this wasn't [and still isn't] the first week of the rest of my life.

It is very hard to teach a language you yourself are not confident in. It's totally Not like teaching math. But even harder is to wake up two mornings in a row to be at school at 8:30. On the second day I didn't wake up, though. And had the magnificient opportunity to stand at the door for some ten minutes. (party) And later on to wait two and a half hours just to find out that French is cancelled [when I finally decided to go to it after a two week non-attendance].
Oh yeah, and I'm totally over telling how I'm actually doing to strangers because after my "Well, this week has just started but I already don't know how I'm going to survive it" followed his "If you give me your number, you'll survive" [really didn't see it coming].
On the next day another dictation [in the last one I got 14 mistakes, and having 15 is failing], another German torture. Another evening with just sleep on my mind.
And although this is a kind of my day-off ['This' meaning friday and saturday as well], there are million things need to be done for the next week which promises even more challenges [both - mental and physical].

Goodnight, everyone.

Current Mood: sleepy/creepy
Current Music: smth with 'dead men talking/walking'

Name: madara
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