I'm Your Hope... - November 20th, 2007
>WoW acc suspended!
Tagad es smagi nožēloju ka aizsūtīju pieteikumu ka mans WoW acc ir uzhakots.
Šodien saņēmu atpakaļ e-mailu, no tā visa garā plentera iekopēšu galvenos teikumus kas man nepatīk:

"We have reason to believe that your account has been compromised using a Key Logger or Trojan virus which can be used to obtain the account name and password of World of Warcraft accounts used on that computer. We have therefore suspended access to the account, while we investigate the account for any losses incurred and verify that your computer is secure."

Fuck... suspend acess to the account. Kā viņi nesaprot, ka pēc šitāda teksta kāds var arī izlekt pa 5 stāva logu. T_T

"We will contact you again once we have finished our investigation."

jā, protams, pēc 2 nedēļām?

"Once you have performed the above steps (kompja skanēšana no vīrusiem), please send us another mail, with the following statement: "I have now checked the security of my computer, ensuring it is free of any viruses or key loggers and can confirm all appropriate precautions have been taken."

Please also include the following details:

- A fax, scan or digital image of nationally recognised photo ID, such as passport or drivers license (please do not include public transport cards, library cards etc, as these are unsuitable for our needs)."

Un kur pie velna es lai ķeru šajā tehnoloģiju atpalikušajā pilsētelē kādu skaneri?

Da pie dirsas tos 170 goldus, un bankas saturu, iedodiet man lvl pakačāt jaunajam čaram! Es taču par to kā nekā naudu maksāju! T_T
User: [info]hope
Name: hope
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