I'm Your Hope... - November 12th, 2007
>palikšana Japāna
Nopirku vienu grāmatu par Japānas tūrisma objektiem (tā kā taisos uz turieni braukt, tad jāsāk meklēt infa ko apmeklēt). Grāmatas beigās ir dota noderīga informācija iebraucējiem. Tad nu lūk citāts:
"Foreigners (tjip mēs) are still a curiosity in many parts (especially blondes and black peoples) and exceted to be different. This can often lead to comments that are unintentionally racist. Young Japanese and those who travel abroad are changing the nation's perception of foreigners, but only slowly. Because of the 'them-and-us' group mentality, foreigners (gaijin) inevitably remain outsiders however much they are welcomed with warmth and open arms. Anyone who shows sensitivity to Japanese culture, speaks the language well, or is if Oriental racial origin may be accepted to some extent (and will be expected to confirm to Japanese ways), but even they can never fully belong."

Beh, palikšana Japānā vairs nemaz nešķiet tik jauka doma. Par darba atrašanu nemaz nerunājot. Nu padzīvosim europā pagaidām, kad visa vecā paaudze apmirs un jaunā paaudze būs daudz atvērtāka outsaideriem, tad arī savus pensijad gadus pavadīšu Japāna :)
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