heryvim91's Journal
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Saturday, January 24th, 2009

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    mmmm... motorcycles
    I've been thinking about motorcycles like woah recently. I check them out online, I see how much I can get them for (I could get a brand new honda rebel for 3k). When I'm in a car and I see them drive by I pretty much stare at em. I'm looking for motorcycle wallpaper as I'm typing this up. I gotta get a frickin motorcycle license ASAP, and I've gotten Tony's girlfriend Crystal into it to the point where she's coming with me to a motorcycle safety & training course. At the end of it we'll be able to get our license right then and there. Her and I are going to get some gloves/boots tonight for the riding training, and then the weekend after this weekend we'll hopefully get picked as standbys and get into the course. I can't wait...

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