heryvim91's Journal
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Friday, January 16th, 2009

    Time Event
    Pants-jizzing awesomeness
    Man, this week just keeps getting better and better. I was planning on going to the Rolling Rock Town Fair cuz Sevendust & a whole bunch of other cool bands were going to be there, but when I got on ticketmaster I realized that it's the same time as my fraternity's crab feast so that's a no go. So, I checked Sevendust again for any other nearby shows, and I came upon this. If you click the link you'll find a show in Allentown, PA, featuring Sevendust, Nonpoint, and Ra; Nonpoint is awesome, Sevendust is my favorite band, and if you'd known me last summer you'd know how huge a Ra fan I am. And the price of the ticket? 16 fucking dollars! I practically came in my jeans when I found this. I instantly started looking for people to go, but I had already told myself I'm going whether I could find people or not. Fortunately, I already have 2 other people going, hopefully more if I can find any.This is the best 4th of July week EVER.EDIT: I found out that Ra won't be playing that show, but I found out that Sevendust will be playing at nearby Thunderdome the very next day. Ra is shown to be playing that concert, but who knows. It's still the best 4th of July week ever :)

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