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Frank Sinatra - A Fellow Needs a Girl 25. Jul 2006|10:03


A fellow needs a girl to sit by his side, at the end of a weary day.
To sit by his side and listen to him talk and agree with the things he'll say.
A fellow needs a girl to hold in hid arms when the rest of the world goes wrong,
To hold in his arms and know that she believes that her fellow is wise and strong.
When things go right, and his job's well done,
He wants to share the prize he's won.
If no one shares and no one cares,
Where is the fun of a job well done? Or a prize you've won?
A fellow needs a home, his own kind of home, but to make this dream come true,
A fellow needs a girl, his own kind of girl, my kind of girl is you.

Skaista dziesma ar labiem vaardiem, tik zheel, ka es vairs sen tam neticu!!!
tapeec, ka esmu vairaakkaart viilies sev tuvos un miiljos [kuri tajaa mirklii taadi man izlikaas] cilveekos...
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