hours taa noladetaa darba delj man vel bus jashkiras no savas uzacs rotas! 4as dienas..un tada sajuta,ka es durtu pa jaunam.luupa protestee, bet es vinju vel piepiediishu man paklauties.
jaa.. daudziem cilvekiem netiik piirsingi.nezinu...,man jau no sakta gala patikushi cilveki ar auskariem,luupkariem, uzackariem, degunkariem..heh, man tapat patik arii cilveki bez rotaam, tam galigi nav nozimes. tik nesaprotu,ko dazhi bezrotainie tik sapigi uztver rotaslietas. kamdelj pusstundu ir jaskataas virsuu,tad nievajoshi japajautaa kaut kas un tad vel jasaka "brr..es nesaprotu,prieksh kam...". nu ja nesaproti, tad ej un apraudi savu probleemu! hehe
un nu citats no filmas the Hours. laikam taas ir manas lielakaas bailes...kaut ko palaist garam.
(she woke up one day feeling the world was full of possibility and thought):
“So, this is the beginning of happiness. This is where it starts. And, of course, there will always be more.” Then she laughs ruefully and goes on to say, “It never occurred to me it wasn’t the beginning. It was happiness. It was the moment … right then.”
Current Mood: crushedCurrent Music: Cure- Just like Heaven