eič sī ([info]hellcat) wrote on May 31st, 2004 at 04:38 pm
Bratislava amerikāņa acīm jeb one of the reasons why Bratislava totally blows
Pārkopēts ar saņēmējas atļauju, bet bez nosūtītāja atļaujas.

Prostitutes up and down the streets.
I've never seen such a high concentration in my life.
It's crazy.
I come from a much bigger city, and I've never seen as many as here.

One approached me and said something like, "Mala by sa dokonči jadrovį elektrįreņ v Mochovciach?"
Which probably means, "lookin' for a good time, big boy??"
"Uhh, prepate mi, cislo English..."
-"Ohhh.....(here is where she starts mixing German, Slovak, and...) sex, sex, SEX!!!!!"

Now why can't a NICE girl walk up and tell me that?!? :))))))

By the way, she had green teeth.
I'm not kidding.
Her whole mouth was green.
Scared the hell out of me.

"You mean you want to pay ME for sex? You don't have that much money,
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