panks ([info]panks) wrote on May 24th, 2005 at 01:33 pm
open up your mind and let me step inside
rest your weary head and let your heart decide
so easy
when you know the rules
it's so so easy
all you have to do is fall in love
play the game
everybody play the game of love

when you're feeling down and your resistance is low
light another cigarette and let yourself go
this is your life
don't play hard to get
it's a free world
all you have to do is fall in love
play the game
everybody play the game of love

my game of love has just begun
love runs from my hair down to my toes
my love is pumping through my veins
driving me insane
come come come come
play the game x4 of love

Tev ir tas gabals? pavadiijums (bunga, gjitaara un bass) shitajaa gabalaa ir vienkaarshi dieviigi..
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