The stripes on a tiger Are hard to change

3. Janvāris 2010


Laikam jau dažbrīd pietiek ar to,ka saproti-ilūzijās nevar dzīvot.Dažbrīd vienkārši jāsaka ,lai redzētu,kur tas novedīs.
P.S. Ja viss norisēs pēc plāna,tad iešu dejot tango.


"I don't want to own anything until I know I've found the place where me and things belong together.  I'm not quite sure where that is just yet.  But I know what it's like.... It's like Tiffany's.... Not that I give a hoot about jewelry.  Diamonds, yes.  But it's tacky to wear diamonds before you're forty... "
(Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1958)

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