hearttobullets' Journal
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Monday, January 26th, 2009

    Time Event
    Le sigh.
    So, I'm just about back to normal. I've got a slight bit of healing pain going on, and a bruise of a whole rainbow of colors, but I'm to the point where I occasionally forget that I got whumped in the abddomen with a piece of wood. Which is nice.Unfortunately, I'm not able to make it past noon. For the past few days, I've been to school at 9, and by 12 I'm so tired I can barely walk, then I take a bus home and sleep the rest of the day away. Not very productive.Nonetheless, things are working out. I get at least one thing done a day, with a little work in the studio. I watched a couple of old movies. Peter is still in New York, hes not coming back until tomorrow. I sure do miss him.

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