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Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
10:00a - ......
beidzot atradu to dziesmu,kuru kāroju jau kādas 3 dienas..........

current mood: skumīgi priecīga
current music: Gary Jules-Mad World

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3:32p - i find it kinda sad....
Almighty ME!! es beidzot nopirku eglīti,kaut arī Ziemassvētku noskaņa līdzinās pilnīgas nullei...cilvēki šodien kā no ķēdes norājušies...diršās visās malās..sabiedriskajā transportā tā kā cirkā...

current mood: nožēla
current music: Gary Jules-Mad World

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9:01p - Fire...
Izpildīju -nike- testiņu un redz kas iznāca...

"What's your element"
Your element is Fire. Wild and free. Your emotions lead you everywhere. You are a very passionate person, though sometimes forceful and destructive you have a goal in life, even if that goal is just to make it another day. Fire consumes and purifys, it also protects. There is always caution with fire because once it is started on something there is no telling how much it can destroy. Fire people have the same tendency when mad you could be a candle burning but if someone tips you over...

tieši atbilst manai horoskopa zīmei... :))

current mood: juteklīgs...
current music: Gary Jules-Mad World

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