lost in translation
lost in translation [entries|friends|calendar]
g. durden

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[23 Mar 2015|09:36pm]
Life: I cannot guarantee perfection. But i can guarantee intrigue.
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[19 Jul 2008|06:55pm]
love is a motherfucker
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[15 Mar 2008|12:40am]
only when you've lost everything, you're free to do anything
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[03 Nov 2007|06:12pm]
-jūs tātad ne no kā nebaidāties?
-tieši tā, apriori mūs nekas nebiedē.
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[06 Mar 2007|11:25pm]
[one should make his decision within the space of seven breaths. It is a matter of being determined and having the spirit to break through to the other side.]
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[09 Mar 2006|09:29pm]
the end is important in all things
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