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* [10 Apr 2009|10:17pm]
Tas "One tree hill" it kā tāds jauniešu seriāls vien ir.. bet dažas sērijas paņem ļoti. Ar mūziku, tekstiem. Ļoti patika 3. sezonas pirmās sērijas beigas... Payton monologs, Athlete dziesma fonā... un doma (gaužām banāla), bet skaisti attēlota...

Protams, par datu pareizību neko nevaru galvot... bet ideja, kā tā pateikta... vienkārši un skaisti:

"At this moment, there are 6 billion, 4 hundred, 71 million, 8 hundred, 18 thousand, 6 hundred, 71 people in the world. Some are running scared.. some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day.. others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good, and some are good.. struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world, 6 billion souls -- and sometimes... all you need is 1."

(c) One tree hill
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