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[25 Oct 2006|02:05pm]
skolēniem rudens brīvlaiks.
man savējais. :D tiko uztaisīju. šodien nekādas lekcijas! :P
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Ko tik neuzzināsi wikipēdijā...:D [25 Oct 2006|03:39pm]
Tu zini, kas īsti ir URLAS?
"Urla is a word use by Latvians to describe a partly or fully criminal, usually Russian person 15-30 years old or a teenager who joins this semi-criminal system because he wants to look "tough". Some sources claim that this word describes "a foreign patriot", a person who believes their country should be joined to some other.
Urlas usually wear sport shoes or vinyl shoes, sports costume/suit/leather jacket in the most unaesthetical combinations possible. A shaved head is also a common trait of the urla culture.
One theory claims that these criminal subjects got the name urlas, when in the post-USSR times the "new Russians" used to call themselves "орлы" (Eagles) which was parodied by locals as "urli". Urlas can be any other nationality, not just Russian, only the demographic and cultural situation dictates, that usually they are Russians."

Wikipēdijā ir skaidrojums... Šeit!
Nja, nebiju domājusi, ka tur kko tādu ar var atrast. Un nē, es nemeklēju šī vārda skaidrojumu. ;) Vnk draugos dienasgrāmatā viena meitene šito bija ielikusi...
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[25 Oct 2006|06:48pm]
sāp kakls. būšu noķērusi pirmo rudens sauxtējienu. laikam jāsāk nēsāt šallīte.
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[25 Oct 2006|09:02pm]
Bļin, juridiskā angļu valoda ir sareģīta!!!
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[25 Oct 2006|11:03pm]
konvencijas pantus "pārtulkoju". bet šķiet, ka jēgu būšu interpreteejusi pa savam un puse būs nepareizi! :D
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