guceens in BLACK & WHITE -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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RE KAAADU MEILU SANEEMU NO Sviesta Cibas! :))) [01 Aug 2005|01:22am]
[ music | skan galvaa - happy birthday to me! ;)) ]

Happy Birthday guceens!!

According to our records, today is your birthday... everybody here at Sviesta Ciba would like to wish you a happy birthday!

If you have any interesting birthday stories to share, do let us know! Or better, email them to us and also update your LiveJournal with them. :) And if you have any questions/comments about the service in general, let us know too... we're real people, not a huge corporation, so we read and try to reply to all email.

Anyway... the point of this email was originally just HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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[ viewing | August 1st, 2005 ]
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