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Par Star Maker [10. Sep 2017|19:10]

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Star Maker - 4 (pēdējais fragments. Turpinājums ultimatīvā kosmosa aprakstam) [20. Apr 2017|16:09]

I strove to hear more inwardly into that music of concrete spirits in countless worlds, I caught echoes not merely of joys unspeakable, but of griefs inconsolable. For some of these ultimate beings not only suffered, but suffered in darkness. Though gifted with full power of insight, their power was barren. The vision was withheld from them. They suffered as lesser spirits would never suffer. Such intensity of harsh experience was intolerable to me, the frail spirit of a lowly cosmos. In an agony of horror and pity I despairingly stopped the ears of my mind. In my littleness I cried out against my maker that no glory of the eternal and absolute could redeem such agony in the creatures.

Yet obscurely I saw that the ultimate cosmos was nevertheless lovely, and perfectly formed; and that every frustration and agony within it, however cruel to the sufferer, issued finally, without any miscarriage in the enhanced lucidity of the cosmical spirit itself.

But to me this mystical and remote perfection was nothing. In pity of the ultimate tortured beings, in human shame and rage, I scorned my birthright of ecstasy in that inhuman perfection, and yearned back to my lowly cosmos, to my own human and floundering world.
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Star Maker - 3. Par multiversu (atgādina Tegmarka ceturtā līmeņa multiversa ideju...) [17. Apr 2017|21:14]

At length, so my dream, my myth, declared, the Star Maker created his ultimate and most subtle cosmos, for which all others were but tentative preparations. Of this final creature I can say only that it embraced within its own organic texture the essences of all its predecessors; and far more besides. It was like the last movement of a symphony, which may embrace, by the significance of its themes, the essence of the earlier movements; and far more besides. This metaphor extravagantly understates the subtlety and complexity of the ultimate cosmos. I was gradually forced to believe that its relation to each earlier cosmos was approximately that of our own cosmos to a human being, nay to a single physical atom. Every cosmos that I had hitherto observed now turned out to be a single example of a myriad-fold class, like a biological species, or the class of all the atoms of a single element.
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[10. Apr 2017|22:20]

Star Maker - 2. Fabula par saprātīgajiem augiem - not finding balance between rationality and spirituality.

... tālāk ... )
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More of "Star Maker" - 1 [8. Apr 2017|23:00]

At a moment when Europe is in danger of a catastrophe worse than that of 1914 a book like this may be condemned as a distraction from the desperately urgent defence of civilization against modern barbarism.

In these conditions it is difficult for writers to pursue their calling at once with courage and with balanced judgment.

Yet I have a lively sympathy with some of those "intellectuals" who declare that they have no useful contribution to make to the struggle, and therefore had better not dabble in it. I am, in fact, one of them.

For some writers the case is different. Gallantly plunging into the struggle, they use their powers to spread urgent propaganda, or they even take up arms in the cause. But the very urgency of their service may tend to blind them to the importance of maintaining and extending, even in this age of crisis, what may be called metaphorically the "self-critical self-consciousness of the human species".

But some who have the cause at heart must serve by striving to maintain, along with human loyalty, a more dispassionate spirit. And perhaps the attempt to see our turbulent world against a background of stars may, after all, increase, not lessen the significance of the present human crisis.
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[27. Jan 2017|19:49]

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[13. Jan 2017|10:06]

In the recent past, loud lip-service had been paid to gentleness and tolerance and freedom; but the policy had failed, because there was no sincere purpose in it, no conviction of the spirit, no true experience of respect for individual personality. All kinds of self-seeking and vindictiveness had nourished, secretly at first, then openly as shameless individualism. Then at last, in rage, the peoples turned away from individualism and plunged into the cult of the herd. At the same time, in disgust with the failure of gentleness, they began openly to praise violence, and the ruthlessness of the god-sent hero and of the armed tribe. Those who thought they believed in gentleness built up armaments for their tribes against those foreign tribes whom they accused of believing in violence. The highly developed technique of violence threatened to destroy civilization; year by year gentleness lost ground. Few could understand that their world must be saved, not by violence in the short run, but by gentleness in the long run.
Stepldons varētu būt viens no maniem top rakstniekiem, es gribu izlasīt arī šo grāmatu par saprātīgu suni un "Odd John" par amorālu ģēniju. Žēl, ka valoda un izteiksmes stils ir tik sausi. Tāda H+ un garīguma sintēze, man tas ļoti interesē.

... tālāk ... )
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[11. Dec 2016|18:11]

Izlasīju Olafa Stepldona Last and First Men. Pirms gada lasīju Star Maker, tāpēc bija skaidrs, ko var sagaidīt - vizionāru nākotnes vēsturi (vizionāru tiešā nozīmē, no vārda "vīzija" - vai kaut ko tādu kā Star Maker var izfantazēt bez vielu palīdzības?), bez īpaša sižeta un citiem konvencionāliem literatūras elementiem.

Faktiski tās ir grāmatas, ko var uzrakstīt tikai vienreiz - Last and First Men publicēta 1930, Star Maker 1937. Tas pats publicēts tagad būtu tikai atkārtošanās no neskaitāmiem sekojošiem sci-fi darbiem, kuri tieši vai netieši ņem atsevišķas Stepldona idejas un apaudzē to skeletus ar detaļām. Agrāk savukārt kaut ko tādu, realitātei tik objektīvi atbilstošu, uzrakstīt gluži vienkārši nebūtu iespējams, jo tas bija laiks, kad cilvēki pirmoreiz daudzmaz precīzi (cik par to var spriest šodien) apzinājās dabas likumus (piemēram, evolūciju), savu vietu Visumā, Zemes un Visuma vēsturi.

Perspektīvā no simtiem miljonu gadu tālas nākotnes, kā lai piešķir jēgu savai vietai pasaulē? Pat ne indivīds, bet visa kādas rases kultūra tiešām šķiet kā viena nots kaut kādā ne-cilvēciskā kosmiskā simfonijā, skanēt sākošā un pēc īsa brīža pazūdošā, tomēr simfonijas harmonijai vajadzīgā? Un pasīvā veidā, kā simfonijas pieraksts, paralēli eksistējošā mūžīgi.

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