making sense - Komentāri [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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6. Maijs 2011|22:51

Gadījās apmeklēt RPGCodex pavisam citu iemeslu dēļ, bet tad atkal uzdūros lieliskajiem Admiral JimBob komiksiem Warriors of Diversity.

Groteskais stāsts par... laikam jau par cīņu starp liberālismu un vecajām labajām konservatīvajām vērtībām. Pirmās pārstāv no četriem cilvēkiem sastāvošā grupa, kura nes nosaukumu Warriors of Diversity - tie ir "sodomīts" un heroīna atkarīgais Trash, "token female" (t.i. transvestīts) Kaiserin, nēģeris (pardon, afroamerikānis) DefJam un nenonacists Nomask. Otrās reprezentē mutantam līdzīgais, tuksneša vidū personīgajā bunkurā dzīvojošais un šķietami ģeniālais Klīvs. Izpildījuma efektu tikai pastiprina tas, ka visas darbojošās personas ir pilnīgi reāli cilvēki. (Atskaitot Trash'u, kurš ir dzīvē vienkārši liberālis, nevs gejs un heroīna adikts.)

Tiešām žēl, ka ir tik maz to, kas kaut ko tādu spētu novērtēt. Gan iekšējās foruma, gan RPG atsauces nejaušam lasītājam diemžēl paslīdēs garām.

Trash: Come on, while he's weak! LET OUT POWERS COMBINE! ... Sodomy!
Kaiserin: Feminism!
DefJam: Ethnic diversity!
Nomask: Uh... genocide?
All: ... [stare]
Nomask: Uhhh... FREE SPEECH!
Trash: [To Cleve] That blacks, gays, transvestites, sodomites, leftists, atheists... can all be good people. Can all contribute to society. That every human being is a dynamo of creative energy... remember the man who said that?

Tik tālu māksla. Un tagad dzīve, kas to imitē.
Another true believer was Cleveland M. Blakemore, in his treatise in issue 54 of Ahoy! magazine: “Every human being on earth is a natural dynamo of creative energy. Learning how to tap this energy and translate it to a book, a canvas, or a computer's memory, is a skill that can be learned.”

Cleveland Mark Blakemore wrote:
Notice how in JimBob's bolshevist whacky world, the "good guys" travel hundreds of miles to a remote secure location to invade the fortress of a stranger who has never threatened them personally and punish him for having a different political opinion from them by blowing his head off with a shotgun. It does makes sense in a crazy kind of Trotskyist manic-depressive pinko way. The Cleve entity has to be punished with death for his thought crimes against the marxist herd. Notice at no time is there ever a suggestion that the Cleve-villain has done anything other than withdraw to safety from the agenda the sodomite cyber negro killing machines are enforcing at gunpoint.
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