making sense - And this, kids, is why formalization of ethics is never going to work [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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And this, kids, is why formalization of ethics is never going to work [23. Aug 2011|20:50]
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[User Picture]
Date:23. Augusts 2011 - 21:58
I simply fail to see how this statement holds true.
[User Picture]
Date:23. Augusts 2011 - 22:23
many statements may have no representation more concise than a huge, analog brain state
[User Picture]
Date:23. Augusts 2011 - 22:25
And yet they can, at least in most cases imaginable to me, be reduced to more elementary substatements, themselves corresponding to either more basic and localised subsymbolic brain states, or to the symbolic abstractions of these.
[User Picture]
Date:23. Augusts 2011 - 23:36
I'm afraid the pain your stubborness makes me feel cannot be reduced to anything else, sorry.
[User Picture]
Date:24. Augusts 2011 - 09:36
Worry not, es nekad neesmu apgalvojis, ka ētiku var (vai vajag, for that point) reducēt līdz predikātu loģikai.